I’m planning a road trip to see Artprize in Grand Rapids MI.
Artprize is an open competition where 1,700 artist compete for prizes voted on by the public.
Top prize is $250,000
Last year was the first year and 200,000 people went to see artprize and 30,000 people voted.
I have a sculpture in artprize this year.
I want to put together a team to build an even bigger better more complicated sculpture for next year’s artprize. I think having at whole team from Fort Wayne building a sculpture would bring some nice publicity for our town.
We will leave Fort Wayne early in the morning and get back late at night, and do lots of walking in GR.
Here are the dates I’m thinking about going to Grand Rapids:
Wednesday Sept 29th, Saturday Oct. 2nd, Sunday Oct.3rd, Wednesday Oct. 6th, Friday Oct.8th, Saturday Oct. 9th
Let know if you are interesting in this road trip, and when.
If there are enough people who can go on one day I’ll get a van.
Check out Artprize at Artprize.org
Here is a link to a picture of my sculpture at artprize

[email protected]